I was born and raised in Southern California and grew up enjoying the mountains, riding my bike with my three brothers, and camping often with my dad who was the local scout master. At the age of 13 my dad took a job offer working internationally and he moved our family to Buenos Aires, Argentina for two years. Argentina was a pivotal time in my life which has set me on the path that I am on today...a never‐ending desire to explore this beautiful earth!!
Currently, I call Utah home, and I’m the dad of four amazing kids. I work from home as a factory direct salesman for a wood moulding manufacturing company based in Durango, Mexico. I take advantage of my flexibility of work and hit the trails as often as possible, and taking my kids with me on the journey is always a blessing, which gives my wife a rest from the craziness of having 4 kids under the age of 8.
2019 was an amazing year and it’ll be hard to beat. The pinnacle was an epic three-week trip to Alaska where there were many miles driven, lessons learned, and a life changing adventure I will look back at for the rest of my life. In 2020 some of my planned tripped include the Baja California and also a trip along the Pony Express to California. So saddle up and follow my crazy adventures as I share them here in the Leitner Blog. - Ken Hoglund